La seguridad de tu bebé a la hora de dormir

Your baby's safety at bedtime

How should I prepare my baby's crib and room for safe sleep?

Who doesn't like to have their baby's room perfectly decorated, with beautiful pillows, various toys, blankets, veils and mobiles over the crib. The truth is that these objects, as attractive as they may seem when decorating, can be dangerous for your baby at bedtime. This is because when your baby is very small, he or she does not have the ability to free himself or herself from objects that can cover his or her face while sleeping. So, by having decorative elements in the crib, this possibility increases.

Tips to keep your baby safe while sleeping

A safe crib for your baby

  • Choose a crib that is appropriate for your child's size with a firm mattress that is neither too soft nor too hard and that fits perfectly.
  • The crib should be completely free of blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and even side protectors, since not all of them are breathable and can be dangerous.
  • You can leave him his attachment cloth or tuto if he uses it and you think it is necessary.
  • If your baby is 4 months or older, lower the mattress as much as possible . You'd be surprised at how well they climb into cribs.
  • Pay attention to curtains or decorations hanging near the crib, if necessary move the crib away from the window.

A hazard-free room for your little one

  • Don't leave the white noise machine on the edge of or near the crib. Remember that the Mamás Mateas machine is portable and can be placed out of your baby's reach. Likewise, it is preferable to fix the monitor to the wall and the cables should be at a distance that is not accessible to your little one.
  • Make sure that pictures or shelves are well screwed down , especially if they are above the crib, as there is a risk of them falling onto your baby's bed while he is sleeping. This is especially true in countries with seismic activity. It is best to find another wall for these elements.

The right clothing for safe sleep

  • If your baby is between 0 and 3 months old, you can wrap him or her in a blanket or swaddle . Make sure it is not too tight so that he or she can breathe without problems. If you notice that your baby is trying to roll over, you should stop swaddling him or her.
  • You can dress your baby in a sleeping bag to give him more freedom when he moves around. We suggest using appropriate sleepwear for the season instead of using blankets or sheets, as he could become uncovered while sleeping.
  • Check your baby's sleeping position. Generally, it's recommended that you put your baby on his back until he's 1 year old, but you don't have to worry about adjusting him if he's rolled over on his own .

Paying attention to your little one's safety while sleeping is essential. Not only will it help you avoid accidents, but you and your family will sleep more peacefully.


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