6 tips de sueño para tu pequeño y para ti

6 sleep tips for you and your little one

How to improve your family's nighttime sleep?

It may seem like you and your little one are quite different. However, when it comes to sleep, you and your baby are actually more alike than you think. What's more, many of the good tips for good infant sleep out there apply to adults, too. Here are six tips to help you and your little one get better sleep at night.

1. Sleep in one place

Most babies sleep better when they get used to sleeping in the same place , which may be their parents' room or their own room.

Many adults experience the same thing as children. If you use different sleeping places during the day, for example your bedroom, but other times, the living room, this can interfere with your night's sleep .

So, choose just one place to feel safe and protected . Obviously, your bedroom will be the most appropriate place for taking naps and sleeping.

2. Maintain a consistent sleep routine

Being able to predict when sleep is approaching has many benefits. That's why having the same bedtime routine every night prepares your body and gives it the signal that it's time to go to sleep.

For the little ones, that routine might include a bath, a massage, and a story. As for you, you can create a beauty routine, a caffeine-free tea, and then off to bed to read a book.

On the other hand, try to keep the same bedtime and wake-up time . This consistency helps your body promote better sleep at night.

3. Create an ideal sleeping environment

The sleeping environment is everything for sleep! Both your baby's room and yours should be completely dark to promote the release of melatonin . Don't forget that if you have a newborn, this changes and you should wait for your baby to differentiate between day and night.

Make sure the temperature is pleasant and cool (between 18º and 21º C), that is, neither too cold nor too hot. In addition, white noise can be a great ally for everyone's sleep and if you want to know more about its benefits, read this post .

4. Turn off the screens

Stimulation before bed is a big no-no! Electronic devices like tablets , cell phones, and TV screens can be a nightmare for sleep as they interfere with daytime and nighttime sleep .

Instead, try to adopt a "no screens" policy for the entire family, approximately two hours before bedtime .

5. Pay attention to naps

What happens during the day doesn't stay in the day, as if your baby sleeps too much or too little during the day, his nighttime sleep could be affected.

For adults, the Mayo Clinic warns that " long daytime naps can interfere with nighttime sleep , especially if you struggle with insomnia or poor nighttime sleep quality," adding that "if you choose to nap during the day, limit it to about 10 to 30 minutes and do so in the mid-afternoon."

6. Give the dream: RESPECT

Chances are your day revolves around your baby's sleep , especially when they are still very young, that's how important it is.

This doesn't mean that your sleep quality should take a backseat. Make good sleep habits a priority for everyone in the family .

We know it's not easy, but it's very important to take care of sleep hygiene for both children and parents.

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