tips para empacar

4 tips for packing when traveling with babies or children

If you're planning to go on a trip with your family, these packing tips will surely come in handy. We know how challenging it can be to pack for multiple people, especially for babies and children who need a couple of changes of clothes a day... so take note of these practical tips.

Yes to rolls

To make the most of the space in your bags and suitcases, our favourite technique is to fold clothes into rolls . This way you will save space and be able to organise each item of clothing better. It is also a super practical method, quick to do and allows you to keep everything in sight.

Take out 20%

We know that packing for the whole family can be a big challenge, and one of the most common mistakes (and then you will be charged) is carry many extra things. Although it is inevitable to consider countless 'just in case' items, remember that everything you pack, they will have to carry. That is why a good tip is to pack your suitcase with everything you consider necessary, close it and take some time to do something else. Come back later, check everything there, and with a cool mind try to get 20% of things.

If you travel by plane, weigh your bags beforehand.

To avoid a bad time at the airport, rushing to remove things from the counter floor or paying an exaggerated price for extra kilos, always weigh your luggage beforehand. There are very practical suitcase scales on the market , but you can also use the scale you have at home. The best way to do it with the classic bathroom scale is to weigh yourself first, then weigh yourself with your suitcase and subtract your weight from that number.

The formula: (your weight + weight of the suitcase) – your weight = x

Pack by outfit in bags

To be clear about what you are packing and also to give your children some autonomy in dressing themselves, you can pack their clothes by outfits in reusable bags. This technique is more practical in summer, because the clothes take up less space. This does not mean that the outfits must be respected every day, but it will give you an order to pack and clarity regarding the amount of clothing you are carrying.

If you need help, click on the link below and download our FREE Travel Checklists, what to pack when traveling with babies and children, and the essentials for the family first aid kit.
Mamás Mateas travel checklist
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