Conoce cuál es la mejor rutina para tu bebé con nuestro Generador de Horarios

Find out the best routine for your baby with our Schedule Generator

Routines and schedules are very important for babies, because they allow them to develop in a calm and tranquil environment, and because they are predictable, they also give them security.

Especially when they are very small, they allow us (adults) to anticipate their needs and respond to them. on time, to prevent them from going hungry or sleepy.

And let's be honest, maintaining a routine also gives parents a lot of peace of mind. On the one hand, because it gives us the security of doing things right, and on the other, because that order reduces the chaos in which we often find ourselves immersed and allows us to predict (relatively). of the time we have.

In fact, a consistent sleep routine has been shown to have multiple benefits for babies and children (especially wakefulness after sleep onset and sleep continuity), but it also improves the state of mind. of the mother's spirit (1).

1) Bedtime Routine Improves Sleep In Infants And Toddlers, Maternal Mood Study from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Find the balance

Routines should be something that helps our baby and the whole family, not a cause of stress, so it is important to allow yourself some flexibility.

At Mamás Mateas we like the 80/20 rule : 80% of an orderly routine and 20% of disorder, because with babies and children, no day is the same as the other!

How to organize your baby's routine?

The two most important categories to consider are feeding and sleeping (daytime and nighttime) . By organizing these elements, you will have the most important schedule, and then you can add elements such as playing, bathing, reading, walking, etc.

How much sleep should my baby get?

Every baby is different, and therefore you should always be attentive to their signals . But their age is the best indicator to define an adequate routine that meets your needs. with their rest needs. This is where they come into play night sleep, daytime sleep (naps), and sleep windows , which is the maximum time your baby should remain awake during the day.

To help you in this mission, at Mamás Mateas we created a Schedule Generator , which by just entering some data about your baby, proposes an age-appropriate routine.

Mamás Mateas Schedule Generator, how does it work?

  • Come in At , click on Content and then on Mamás Mateas Schedule Generator.

  • Enter your name, contact information and your baby's date of birth (or your estimated due date).

  • The generator will determine the hours of nighttime and daytime sleep (naps) your baby needs, and create a routine.

  • Then choose whether you prefer a schedule from the time your baby wakes up or goes to bed. You can also modify the time suggested by the generator.

  • Done! You now have your baby's personalized routine , which also includes very useful information, with tips, examples and activities.

We hope this guide is helpful! But remember to adapt it to your baby and your family dynamics.

And if you're having trouble following it, don't worry. We know that it can be very challenging to get your baby to follow a clock's schedule; establishing routines requires time, consistency and patience. That's why we always recommend being flexible.

Cheer up! You'll see that the bigger it is, your baby, the more consistent his or her routines will be.

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