¡Mi bebé se gira solo mientras duerme y está boca abajo!

My baby turns over on his own while sleeping and is on his tummy!

Should I put my baby back to sleep when he is sleeping?

If you have a newborn, you know that for safety reasons you should always put your baby to sleep on his or her back. However, as your baby grows and develops motor skills, he or she will begin to be able to roll over on his or her own while sleeping. By then, your baby will usually only go in one direction. He or she will be able to roll over onto his or her tummy, but not the other way around. This can be confusing when it comes to knowing what to do.

So do I need to turn my baby every time he rolls over on his tummy?

If your baby is able to easily roll over onto his tummy and back onto his back on his own, there's really nothing stopping him from rolling over when he's sleeping. If so, most experts agree that stomach sleeping is OK and safe .

As a general rule, it is recommended that you put your baby to sleep on his back until he is 1 year old , but if he has turned over on his own without difficulty, you do not need to worry about adjusting him. However, keep the following points in mind when you notice that your little one is already able to turn over on his own while sleeping:

Your baby has the strength to roll over on his own

If you see that your baby can easily roll over onto his stomach, it means he has enough strength to lift his head up . Although it may be scary to see your baby face down, keep in mind that he now has the ability to move his head from side to side and then get back into position. If you notice that he is uncomfortable in this position, he cries and tries to roll over but can't, then help him roll over onto his back.

Free arms! Give him freedom of movement

When your baby starts to show the first signs that he or she will soon start rolling over, it's time to take out the swaddle and use a sleeping bag to give him or her more freedom at bedtime.

Practice lots of tummy time!

Let your baby get plenty of exercise with this new skill . Put him down on the floor and help him roll from side to side – it’s time for Tummy Time .

Your baby is going through a big change ! 

This is great and a huge milestone for your baby's development, as it is probably his first taste of motor independence. Yes, this means that your little one's sleep might be affected for a couple of weeks until he or she has mastered this new skill.

Being concerned about your baby's safety while they sleep is totally normal, especially when you're a new mom or dad. So, is the tummy time position safe while sleeping? Yes, as long as your baby is able to roll over on their own and the crib is kept secure .

Remember that if you have any questions, you should always consult your pediatrician.


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