¿Cómo vestir a tu bebé en verano para que duerma mejor durante la noche?

How to dress your baby in summer so that he sleeps better at night?

5 tips to combat the heat during your baby's sleeping hours

In summer, unless we have air conditioning, it is difficult to achieve a cool room. Excessive temperatures can, in fact, interfere with the quality of sleep of the whole family, especially that of our little ones. That is why dressing your baby in the right number of layers can help him get a good night's sleep.

Room temperature for a good night's sleep

Ideally, your baby's sleeping environment should be between 18ºC and 21ºC . It may seem cold, but babies and children sleep better in cool environments that are neither too cold nor too hot.

To know how to dress him, you must take into account the temperature of his room. To measure it you can use an environmental thermometer .
  • higher than 27ºC , you can dress your baby in a short-sleeved bodysuit or just in his diaper and a 0.2 thick tog sleeping bag.
  • between 24ºC and 27ºC , the ideal is a short-sleeved bodysuit and a 0.5 thick tog sleeping bag.
  • between 21ºC and 23ºC , it will be enough to dress him/her in a short or long-sleeved bodysuit and a 1-metres-thick tog sleeping bag .

Sleeping bags are not only good for keeping your baby warm, they are also a great step in your baby's sleep routine. They provide support and you don't have to worry about your baby uncovering himself while sleeping.

In addition, with the high temperatures it is not necessary to put on socks, since the sleeping bag protects your baby's feet.

For newborns , replace the sleeping bag with a swaddle and always use your hand on their chest to check if they are hot or cold. You may need to add an extra layer at this stage. Sleeping bags are usually introduced from 3 or 4 months of age.

Here are 5 tips that can help you beat the heat

1. Give your baby a cool bath :

A cooler than usual bath before bed can help regulate your baby's body temperature before sleep.

2. Increase the amount of fluids : 

If your baby is breastfed, increase the number of times he or she is fed per day. If your baby is older than 6 months and your pediatrician has given you the OK to introduce water into his or her diet, offer him or her more water than usual during the day.

3. Put a fan in the room: 

A fan will keep the air moving and create a cooler breeze. You can put frozen water bottles in front of the fan to help cool the room faster.

4. Monitor ambient temperature : 

In some areas, temperatures fluctuate rapidly, so you should monitor it overnight. You may need to remove or add more layers overnight, especially if there are sharp temperature changes.

5. Check if your baby is hot : 

Is he hot or cold? The way to tell is to put your hand on his chest or upper back. His extremities, hands and feet, are always colder.

Remember that some children are hotter than others. If your baby sleeps well the way you dress him, then it's perfect and you don't have to change anything.


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