Physicist, winner of the L'Oreal for Woman in Science Award 2017 and chosen among the "30 most powerful women in Chile 2023" by Forbes, Carla Hermann knows her stuff. Although for her the most important is that of mother: "my children are my most important project, my constant engine, where I know I am not replaceable." Here she tells us a little more about her motherhood.
The questionnaire to the scientist Carla Hermann
Motherhood made me more (or turned me into): my best version.
As a mom, I'm great at: organizing.
As a mom, I'm terrible at: cooking.
Something I wish someone had told me before becoming a mom (about motherhood or parenting): how difficult breastfeeding could be and how VITAL it is to have a good advisor.
The phrase (or gesture) from your children that melts you: “Mom, you are so pretty, I love you so much.”
I can never say no to my children when they ask me to read a book.
Since we became moms/dads, my relationship with my partner is even better than before, we are the best team.
What I said I would never be like a mom, and now I do: everything I said I have kept.
My favorite maternity gadget (or accessory) is: comfortable clothes.
Are you a routine person or a flow person in your day to day life? Routine
Being pregnant without children was: an oasis hahaha
Being pregnant with children is: chaos, but a beautiful chaos.
What characteristics of being a mother have helped you in your career as a physicist? Understanding where your true priorities lie in life, and redefining what success means, including academic success.
Combining research with motherhood is a real challenge. I give it my all and more, but without neglecting my family.
Being a woman and a mother present in the world of science is beautiful. I feel very proud of myself and honored to show future generations that we can do it, and that in reality academic success is not reduced to how many papers you publish, but to a balance.
In my career, my children are: my most important project, my constant driving force, where I know I cannot be replaced, where the years do not come back. They are my top priority.
Best motherhood advice I've ever been given: If you're not in control, don't let it control your mind.
My favorite motherhood cliché is: happy kids, happy wife, happy life.
My most unpopular opinion about motherhood: you don't need to look "good" or "lose weight" or "exercise" to "get well." If it's vital for you, then go ahead, good for you, but don't impose it on others as if they were less of a woman for it. Everyone has their own priorities, and their own identity in different things.