If your baby is born between November 22 and December 21, 2023, astrologer Florencia Herrera (on Instagram @florecer.astral) will tell you what the horoscope says for these newborn Sagittarius .
"Astrology deals with various stars, but specifically the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars), which show us and help us understand aspects of the personality and essence of each person as an individual and unique being," explains astrologer Florencia Herrera. She adds: " By studying them, we are given a general orientation of the qualities of the babies that will be born in the remainder of 2023 to see what we will encounter and be surprised by in the energy of each one of them."
Sagittarius babies 2023
Essence of light and adventure , These babies are represented a fire sign. They will seek and need the entertainment of Life, connecting with other people, learning, asking, discovering, will be constant mini explorers who always remain active. and on the move.
They will surely be attracted by anything related to another country, cultures, languages, travel and studies . But it will also be important to them, they will value and they will take great care of the friendships and ties of those who are present in his immense heart.