Far from being the easy way out, a cesarean section is a type of birth that involves major surgery, and like all surgeries, it carries risks and special care. It is also the only surgery in which the uterus and abdomen are opened, and even with pain, the mother gets up immediately to care for her newborn.
With the collaboration of gynecologist and obstetrician Javiera Valdivieso from Clínica Universidad de los Andes, we share with you 7 things you should know about cesarean section.
1. It is a major surgery
Despite being routine and common, It is a major procedure that lasts approximately one hour . It is usually performed under regional anesthesia, which numbs part of the body and allows you to remain awake without feeling pain, although sometimes general anesthesia is necessary .
2. Requires hospitalization of between 2 to 3 days
Most women will stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days after a cesarean delivery, as long as there are no complications.
3. Skin-to-skin contact is possible
When the newborn is born, it is ideal to initiate attachment immediately. This allows the baby to discover the mother's breast, and they can hug and have skin-to-skin contact while the surgery continues. This is only possible if the condition of the mother and the newborn allows it. If for medical reasons the mother cannot do the immediate attachment, she can do it with the father.
4. You can breastfeed immediately
A cesarean section has very little effect on the ability to breastfeed, and breast milk is delivered almost as easily as in a vaginal birth (AAP). In addition, the main stimulus for milk production is suckling, so early latch-on should be encouraged to initiate breastfeeding.
5. At home, relative rest is required
Once at home, relative rest is recommended, that is, not to exert yourself, not to go for a walk or exercise, but to walk around the house. In fact, as explained to us by the gynecologist Dr. Javiera Valdivieso, early walking improves recovery. in most surgeries.
6. Scar care
The scar is made in the lower abdomen and is not usually visible, but it depends on the condition of each woman whether she develops a hypertrophic scar or a keloid. The care that can be taken is to maintain it with compression using a micropore fabric or silicone patches.
7. Yes, you can have a vaginal birth after a cesarean section.
Many women can have a vaginal birth after a cesarean section. But there are certain conditions such as there being no fetal macrosomia, it having been 18 months or more since their previous cesarean section, having had only one previous cesarean section, the birth being in a safe place (health facility), and the labor being fluid and as spontaneous as possible, among others.