Mom to Kai (8 months), content creator and influencer Valentina Caballero confesses that motherhood has made her show her most real and authentic version, "without filters." Here she tells us a little more about her journey as a first-time mom.
Mom Matea Vale Knight
Motherhood made me more: patient, relaxed, gave me self-confidence and made me want to show myself more real and without a filter on social media, just as I am.
As a mom, I'm a dry dog when it comes to: buying things online for him at night.
As a mom, I'm terrible at: washing baby bottles, I always leave them to my husband!
Something I wish someone had told me before becoming a mom: that breastfeeding could be so difficult.
The phrase (or gesture) from your child that melts you: his smile, he smiles all day and it melts me every time.
I can never say no to my son when… when he wants to sleep in my arms or for me to hold him.
Since we became moms/dads, my relationship with my partner has evolved. It has made us create new routines, organize ourselves differently, and divide up new tasks, which has made us a very good team. I love how we are doing it and the team we have formed.
What I said I was never going to be like a mom and now I do: put him to sleep in my bed with us, but it was either sleeping badly or sleeping with him hahaha.
My favorite maternity gadget is: It was the Rockit for the longest time, at first I couldn't get him to sleep without it.
Breastfeeding was: at first it was super difficult, a lot of congestion and I even had mastitis, but after a couple of months I was able to enjoy it and I loved it, I loved the moments of connection it gave us.
Do you like routine or do you go with the flow of day to day life? Both. When I'm at home I follow the sleep routine to the letter, but when we go out or there's something going on I adapt and let the day flow.
Raising children in a bicultural family is super entertaining, we speak to them in different languages, each one teaches them about their country, and I imagine that when they start to speak and understand it will be even more entertaining.
What characteristics of being a mother have helped you in your career as a communicator? More than a characteristic, motherhood has helped me a lot in my career as a communicator, because I have been able to share all my experience without filters, and inform many women who did not know, or who were going through the same thing, about what the process is like. A very large and beautiful community of mothers has been created.
Best parenting advice I've ever been given: Don't listen to other people's parenting advice.
My favorite motherhood cliché is: happy mom, happy baby.
My most unpopular opinion about motherhood: that breastfeeding makes you lose weight, false! LOL, it even made me gain weight because I was so hungry.