Mamá Matea del mes: Catalina Schaerer de @mamasincaos

Matea Mom of the month: Catalina Schaerer from @mamasincaos


Matea Mom of the month Cata Schaerer

Motherhood made me: Emotionally smarter.

As a mother, I am good at: solving problems and unforeseen events.

As a mom, I'm terrible at: playing.

Something I wish someone had told me before becoming a mother : never believe the thoughts or ideas that occur when you are alone and locked up at home.

The phrase (or gesture) from your children that melts you: I love how united they are among siblings, to the point that we call them "the union."

I can never say no to my children when… their grandparents are around.

Since we became moms/dads, my relationship with my partner has grown a lot, we have matured, our lives are no longer wasted on nonsense.

What I said I would never be like as a mom, and now I do: sleep with the kids in bed.

My favorite maternity gadget (or accessory) is: psychological therapy.

Do you like routine or flow in your day to day life?: 50/50, there are parts of the day that are routines like the mornings before going to school or the nights before going to bed, the rest of the day we flow.

What characteristics of being a mother have helped you in your career as a content creator/influencer?: The emotional connection, this constant mandate that I have to connect with my children, I use it a lot with my followers and with other creators, to enrich my proposal and be more empathetic with other mothers. And its counterpart, the limits. Also very used in my motherhood, I use them a lot on social networks.

Self-care in motherhood is… mental flexibility. Understanding that not everything is important, choosing your battles, daring to do things differently, prioritizing and above all, going with the flow.

Best motherhood advice I've ever received: No one came here to have a hard time, so make your life easier (they immediately handed me a jar of formula and dried my tears because I couldn't get any milk out).

My favorite motherhood cliché is: baby is born, mom is born. It's so true and I find it kind of nice that it's true, even if at first it feels like a personal battle.

In my motherhood, chaos is: the stress that seeing my children suffer causes me.

In my motherhood, calm is: I don't care about anything other than being together pampering.

My most unpopular opinion about motherhood: Every time I come across mothers who criticize other mothers for how they do things, and use as their main argument that they have never had to experience it or do it that way, I think that mother is a mentally immature adult to raise children.

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