Los principales beneficios del porteo.

The main benefits of babywearing.

There is a wide variety of baby carriers on the market today. To help you choose the right one for you, here is a post with the important aspects to consider when choosing yours.

For a baby carrier to provide all its benefits, it must be ergonomic, that is, it must respect the physiognomy and physiognomy of the baby and the carrier.

A good baby carrier should ensure proper posture for both the baby and the adult.

This is what we call “Safe Carrying”.

Why is it important to carry out “Safe Carrying”?
  1. Promotes secure attachment. Constant contact with the mother, father or caregiver promotes the baby's sense of security.
  1. Respects the baby's natural posture, according to its stage of development.
  1. Regulates the baby's temperature and heart rate.
  1. Strengthens breastfeeding. The contact between the mother and her baby stimulates the secretion of hormones that promote breastfeeding; Oxytocin and Prolactin.
  1. It provides ease of movement to the carrier, keeping their hands free.
  1. It helps on days when naps are more difficult and your baby has a hard time sleeping.
  1. It supports the baby's digestive system and relieves the discomfort of reflux.

And you, do you babywear? How has your experience been?

Check out the baby carrier collection at mamasmateas.com

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