¿Conoces la leyenda de los Llamadores de Ángeles para embarazadas?

Do you know the legend of Angel Callers for pregnant women?

Angel callers for pregnant women are protective amulets, full of meaning, representing peace, harmony and relaxation. More than a jewel, a magical and special gift.

The legend of Angel Callers for pregnant women

Mayan legend has it that thousands of years ago, humans lived alongside their Guardian Angels, who were in charge of protecting and caring for them.

For some reason, the angels had to leave them and go somewhere else. But before leaving, moved by this farewell, they decided to maintain a form of direct communication with humans and left them beautiful spherical silver amulets, which, when shaken, emitted the sound of a bell.

This soft sound would reach the hearts of each human being's guardian angel, who would come immediately when they needed it. In addition, they were told that pregnant women could share their amulet with their unborn babies , since at this stage mother and child shared the same Guardian Angel, so that he would take care of the baby in the womb and bring good luck.

ProudMama Angel Callers are the perfect gift for pregnant women and mothers, created as a protective amulet, an element that calms the baby and also strengthens the mother-child bond.

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