Instrucciones para niños por edad (por una psicóloga infantil)

Instructions for children by age (by a child psychologist)

In this post we propose you i Age-appropriate instructions for children so they can learn from an early age to help with household chores. With the collaboration of child and adolescent psychologist Trinidad Olivos, she finds ideas for children aged 2-3 years, 4-6 years, 7-9 years and 10+ years.

Instructions for children by age

Most children can begin to follow simple directions between 12 and 18 months of age, although this varies depending on individual development. As children grow, they understand more words and phrases and are increasingly able to follow complex instructions and multi-step tasks.

Typically, by 18-24 months, babies can follow simple 1-step directions, such as "sit down" or "give me that pillow." By 2-3 years, babies can follow 2-step directions, such as "go to your room and pick up your shoes." And by 4 years, babies can understand more complex directions involving multiple steps and the concepts of "up," "down," "in front," and "behind."

Why is it important to give them instructions regarding household chores?

Encouraging children from a young age to help with some household chores is very beneficial. It helps them develop their sense of responsibility, discovering that they are capable of taking charge of their tasks; and it allows them to strengthen their autonomy , experiencing a sense of satisfaction and achievement when they manage to do things on their own. This helps them to gain self-confidence. It also helps them to exercise practical skills such as fine and gross motor coordination. Finally, it teaches them the importance of collaboration when living with others and the value of which is for others to contribute.

2-3 years

  • Organize toys and books in their boxes or shelves.
  • Take dirty clothes to the basket.
  • Help match socks.
  • Watering the plants with the watering can.

4-6 years

  • Store clean clothes in drawers and shelves in the closet.
  • Setting the table (with some supervision).
  • Help make the bed.
  • Help prepare some simple meals.

7-9 years

  • Give food and water to the pet.
  • Help with grocery shopping.
  • Store food in the pantry.
  • Clean dust from low, accessible surfaces.

10+ years

  • Wash the dishes.
  • Fold clothes properly and store them in the closet.
  • Learn to handle small amounts of money and pay in a store.
  • Prepare some simple meals like scrambled eggs, salads, etc.
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