instinto paternal

The paternal instinct does exist and this is what science says

No one would doubt that the maternal instinct exists, but what about the paternal instinct? In this post we tell you how hormones influence men when they become fathers, and how this is the starting point for developing active and responsible fatherhood, and thus raising children in equality.

The paternal instinct does exist

Various studies have shown that men who awaiting the birth of their children also develop a paternal instinct. It is a paternal-filial instinct , which is what leads them to care for, protect and love their newborn children in a special way. And this has a scientific explanation.

What science says about the paternal instinct

From a scientific point of view, this is due to the increase in hormones such as prolactin, oxytocin and estradiol, which occurs in men who live with pregnant women. In addition, there are studies that show that there is a decrease in testosterone , which in turn can influence a greater sensitivity and a more tender and delicate attitude towards the baby.

Source: Mayo Clinic Proceedings: “Changes in Testosterone, Cortisol, and Estradiol Levels in Men Becoming Fathers

However, this powerful initial instinct is subject to the time the father spends with his baby, which is why it is so important to foster father-child attachment from the first days. In this way, mothers and fathers will be able to develop similar skills and powerful bonds with their babies to raise them in equality and balance.

As you see, the Nature and hormones do their part, but the rest is the job of each person; of each father to be present and actively assume his responsibility; of each mother to allow his participation and give him the space that corresponds to him; and of the whole society to understand and respect that parenting is a shared job.

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