¿Qué es el Dream Feed y cómo puede alargar los periodos de sueño del bebé?

What is Dream Feed and how can it extend baby's sleep periods?

Have you heard about Dream Feeding while breastfeeding? It is a milk intake that could lengthen your baby's sleep periods, and also allow you to rest as well. Here we explain what this technique consists of and how to perform it correctly.

Dream Feed and Baby's Sleep

It is a milk intake that is given to the baby while he is sleeping, to take advantage of his deep sleep and so that he sleeps for longer before waking up due to hunger. In addition, you also get a little more rest.

It is recommended to do the Dream Feed around 10 or 11 at night, before your bedtime, and it is very important to always do it outside the crib, and in a quiet place, with dim lighting and without stimulating elements that can wake your baby up.

Our Mini Rest® - Sound Machine, White Noise and Night Light, is perfect for this moment!

It is an optional technique suitable for babies who drink breast milk or formula, and can last until week 6 or 8 or up to 6 or 8 months.

For some babies, the Dream Feed works very well, allowing for longer sleep through the night, but other babies wake up and have a hard time getting back to sleep. It's best to try and do what works best for you as a family.

If you want to know more about this and other techniques, we recommend our Newborn Sleep Course. It is 100% online and we provide you with all the tools and strategies to create healthy sleep habits in your little one from day one.

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